Taking care of fall house maintenance chores will save you money and leave you better prepared for the winter season before it arrives. Performing what needs done now will prevent problems for you later down the road..
*Have Your Heating System Serviced
Regardless of the type of heating you use, it’s best to have it checked and serviced by a licensed professional technician. Debris can build up over the last season and during the downtime. Rodents or wildlife could have made a home in unsuspected places when your system wasn’t being used. Having it checked before you need to use it prevents problems before they happen.
*Get that Chimney Cleaned
Each year there are tens of thousands of chimney fires that cause well over a 100 million dollars in damage. Soot can build up through extended use, and birds and wildlife can make homes during the summer. Spending a little money now on a chimney sweep can save you thousands down the road.
*Insulate Windows and Doors
Depending on the age of the house you live in, you could be losing a great deal of money throughout the year to air leakage. Having your windows or unused doors either sealed or replaced could pay for itself in a short amount of time. Many states and local governments have grants, loans, and or tax incentives for energy efficient upgrades.
*Look into Fuel Savings with Your Utility Company
The winter season is almost always the highest cost time of the year to purchase fuel oil and propane. Many companies have options to lock in price rates or offer services that can be paid throughout the year so you’re not stuck with one large bill at one time. Your much more likely to find a favorable deal before the cooler months get here.
Performing fall house maintenance ensures you home is ready for the tougher cold months ahead and let you sleep better at night knowing your hone is in good order.
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